Thursday, May 22, 2014

The joyful terror of motion

Transit taken: Blue Line to Belmont, Belmont to Kimball bus, Kimball bus to Brown Line, Brown Line to Red Line transfer at Belmont, Red Line Belmont to Sox 35th, Green Line IIT to Ashland-Lake, Green Line Ashland-Lake to Blue Line California.

Nothing of note on the trains so far.  Still a lot of traveling to be done, so we will see what happens.

I wasn't planning on going out at all after work, but a friend has invited me to a sausage and wine tasting event.  This sounds pretty awesome, but so does sleep and cleaning up my wreck of an apartment. I am really looking forward to moving in with people as it will help me clean up after my sloth god avater ass get better about managing my time.  It'll also be nice to live in a place with pets again. I miss having an animal to come home to, but I am so unsure about where I am going that I can't feasibly get one for myself and know I will care for it enough.

I think I have ideas for this blog finally.  They may not be the best, but they are going to be something. at least. Even a step off of a plank is a step forward.

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