Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Three times on the red

Transit taken/to be taken today: Blue line to Belmont, Kimball bus to Catalpa, Kimball bus to Brown line, Brown line to Belmont Red transfer, Belmont Red line to Lake, Red line to Sox-35th, Red line to Lawrence, Red line to Fullerton, Fullerton bus to California.

Transit highlight: I ran into one of my old students at the Jackson Red line station. He may be going to a different school this fall, so it was nice seeing him one more time.  He's actually the one who introduced me to one my latest obsessions, Welcome to Night Vale, so I have him to thank for my creeping madness and belief that mountains aren't real.

I'm still figuring out what I can and can't write about here. In theory this is supposed to be anything that happens on a daily basis or thoughts that occur, but I worry about the lack on anonymity and my speaking about things that are complicated/personal.  Part of me wants to say, "DAMN IT ALL! HERE IS MY BLOOD MEAT TO LOOK UPON! BEHOLD MY BLOOD MEAT FEELINGS AND CONSIDER IT!", but the other part of me says, "Don't say anything that relates to your job, personal life, history, or existence." 

So, those two voices are still fighting it out.

We had a meeting at my new job today, which was pretty interesting.  I've been worried about one of my programs for some time now, and I have received what is essentially a confirmation that it is going to be closed.  However, that was quickly countered by the possibility that it could be reopened by another department. And then I was told that I would probably no longer would be able to teach it.  That was no small roller coaster of feelings, as this is my community ESL program and the reasons for its closure are, in my opinion bullshit less than justified.

The meeting also has gotten me worried about the Fall semester for several reasons. This new program is great, but I am severely concerned about compensation and stability. Right now, the pay schedule is fairly horrific, but that is most certainly not the fault of the administrator.  It is something I can work around it and find odd jobs to fix this, but the news that I am losing another income stream this fall coupled with the smaller amount of hours at the new position and the aforementioned payroll issue don't make for a solid seeming future.

Not all of my blood meat is money related. These are things I must remember.

I think I have an idea for a new piece of short non-fiction for the next reading I do.  Thanks to Jeff and Pungent Parlor for that inspiration. And the mild hangover today.  And a chance to see a person I had a short tryst with.  And a chance to have a short rib sandwich. Some of these things are things to keep thinking of and some of them are either people or sandwiches.  

Today I was rocking out to Patton Oswalt's latest album "Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time". The doggie was wearing a shirt.

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